Meagan Greathouse
Nov 21, 2022
In Their Shoes: Service Animal Etiquette
By Meagan Greathouse, Mobility Specialist at METRO Regional Transit Authority Akron, OH Many people have a vague sense of awareness that...
Jul 12, 2022
NADTC : Travel Training During a Global Pandemic
NADTC June's spotlight, Travel Training During a Global Pandemic, highlights two examples of transit agencies who completely shifted...
Jul 6, 2022
NADTC: Best Practices Compendium - Travel Training
The Best Practice, Travel Training, describes the experiences of two grantees that implemented travel training programs. Travel...
Anthony Johnson
May 1, 2021
A "Vehicle" for Fun: Exploring Transit Rider Perks!
As travel trainers, we teach our trainees how to stay safe, how to read a schedule, how to pay fare, etc. But how often do we tell them...
Brittany Hoff
Apr 1, 2021
Creating Self Confident Travelers
The snow has melted away, temperatures have increased, and many Americans have received the Covid-19 vaccination. With these exciting...
Mar 1, 2021
Post-pandemic; Will Your Program Survive?
Travel Training is a profession very similar to a chameleon in that it that takes on many shapes and forms ranging from a simple “travel...