Doraleen Taulanga
Doraleen Taulanga resides in Utah and is a second generation Samoan American. Her Pacific Island heritage and rooted values of family and community have helped forge her personal and professional path. Collectively she has 20+ years of experience working in the education system, aviation and public transportation. She has a degree in Business Management and has held various roles as an educator in formal and informal work. Doraleen has a deep passion for grass-root community efforts to bring about change and removing barriers for individuals and communities that are underserved.
Doraleen started as a travel trainer for the Utah Transit Authority in 2015 and later transitioned to the role of the Community Outreach Manager to oversee the Travel Training program and TRAX Ambassador pilot program. She is a member of the Association of Travel Instruction and has served several years on the board of directors. She would like to carry forward the work of past advocates by connecting local, national and international partners by looking at current day needs facing the industry while growing towards a more sustainable future.Â
Doraleen has proudly contributed to several ATI committees over the years and currently serves on the Conference Committee.