Maureen Curry
Maureen Curry joined the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) in December 2014 as travel training instructor. The CCIU provides services to 12 school districts in Chester County, as well as providing services within the CCIU community-based instruction programs. Previously, she was employed by the County Department of Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities working as a supports coordinator and later as a residential program monitor, working with adults over the age of 21 with intellectual and developmental disabilities. After a period of being a stay-at-home mother, Maureen began working as a school bus driver, transporting students to a variety of schools including public, private and schools for those with disabilities.
In February 2019 Maureen completed the Easterseals Project Action Certified Travel Trainer Instructor (CTTI) program and is currently working on her second recertification for the CTTI program. She enjoys her work with the young adults in her community and finds a great deal of satisfaction teaching them to navigate their communities and how to manage the public transportation system. Maureen hopes to continue to grow the program and assist families in expanding the independence of those she serves.
Maureen has presented at various conferences and webinars about a variety of topics related to travel training, has served on various ATI committees and is the current ATI Professional Development Committee Co-Chair and a member of the Conference Committee.